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  2. Tile Donation Program

Who do you donate tile to?

Artaic is proud to have developed a tile donation program to support local artists, the education community and anyone interested in learning about mosaic art. Inquiry today to discuss possible donation programs: marketing@artaic.com. 

The Beautiful Stuff Project is located within a storefront in Magoun Square, Somerville, Massachusetts. Founder Marina Seevak and her team bring a treasure box curriculum to hundreds of young students per week through public school contracts and grant funding and receive increasing requests for Professional Development workshops. The Beautiful Stuff Project team facilitate community art projects (especially collaborative mosaic murals), and frequent community meals and festivals with projects and materials galore. 

To learn more about The Beautiful Stuff Project visit there website here: https://www.thebeautifulstuffproject.org/

beautiful-stuff-project-somerville-massachusetts-3Beautiful Stuff Project


Artaic donated truckloads of tile to Habitat for Humanity. That blue may not have made the cut for the perfect custom art work, but it will sure make for a gorgeous tile installation in a family’s new home. Our team can envision families enjoying new kitchens and bathrooms from Maine to Pennsylvania. 

Habitat for Humanity